By Dr. John Ropp, Hartsville Family Physician, SCMA Young
Physicians Trustee
If I had a quarter for every time a parent asked me what OTC medicine they can
use for their kid’s cough and cold, well…I could probably make up the 2% loss
in practice revenue from this year’s sequestration. Since this is not a
billable code under ICD-10, however, then perhaps I will have to wait for
ICD-11 or 12. In the meantime, I was encouraged to read an article in a
recent issue of The Journal of
FamilyPractice that offered a simple, time-tested remedy for the parent
(yes, the parent) of kids who fall ill due to the latest cough illness making
the ____________ (fill in blank here for child location of choice- school,
church, playgroup, ballclub, other) rounds. For as we all know, the late
night childhood cough is a phenomenon unlike any others and must certainly be
an invention of the demons designed to minimally affect the ill, but to inflict
the greatest harm on their guardian- the loss of sleep and the gain of
anxieties. But rest assured, oh sleepless parent, for grandma was spot
on- the sweet elixir of honey can calm the cough. The article title
gives the answer- “A spoonful of honey helps a coughing child sleep,” and the
article goes on to describe the randomized controlled trial that studied
children between the ages of one to five years old with a nocturnal cough of
less than seven days duration. They excluded other obvious or possibly
more serious conditions and randomized each child to receive 1.5 teaspoons of
one of three honey types or placebo 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Follow
up results showed that there were statistically significant differences in
efficacy for the honey groups (but not favoring one over the other) versus the
placebo. Of course, our dentist friends will remind us to use this remedy
sparingly due to the sugar content, and we will need to continue preaching
caution to children less than one year of age, but this would be a nice
recommendation if we can break our collective OTC drug habits. When faced
with getting a good night’s rest themselves, though, it’s good to know that we
might reach for the pantry instead of the drug shelf. Sleep tight, honey.
Ashkin MD, Evan and Mounsey MD, Anne (March 2013). A spoonful of
honey helps a coughing child sleep. The Journal of Family Practice, Vol
62, No. 3. Retrieved from
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